Friday, September 14, 2018

Béchamel Shrimp Gnocchi with Basil

We started a tradition where each one of our kids gets a night to cook. They're in charge of everything from the recipe all the way through cooking and serving. On Wednesday our oldest daughter who is 9, looked at all our proteins and decided she wanted to use Shrimp. Then she looked in the pantry and decided on Gnocchi. Last she decided she wanted a Béchamel sauce. So off she went to cook. Now either my husband and I help them, mainly to make sure they're safe and aren't burning things or adding too much salt, etc. This recipe was not only easy but it turned out SO GOOD that we didn't have enough. Next time we need 3 packages of Gnocchi. She was really excited for me to share her recipe on my blog, so here it is!

Béchamel Shrimp Gnocchi with Basil
1 lb shrimp
1/2 cup Parmesan
1/2 cup heavy cream
4 tbsp butter
6 cloves of garlic, minced
Basil leaves (for garnish)
Olive oil
Gnocchi (we need 3 packages, I buy off the shelf at Trader Joes)

Heat olive oil in pan, once hot add Shrimp.
Cook for one minute, remove from pan and set aside.
Add butter and melt, add garlic and cook on low
Add heavy cream and Parmesan
Cook until thick
If the sauce gets too thick add 1/4 cup of the water the Gnocchi cooked in.
Put Shrimp and Gnocchi in sauce once it's to the consistency you want and cook a few more minutes.
Garnish with Basil
Enjoy! Serve seconds! Enjoy more!